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​OA360's 'Ghost Trap Rodeo' and 'Coastal Community Cleanup' events are much like your favorite inshore fishing tournaments, only instead of sportfish, we're weighing in abandoned or derelict crab and lobster traps and ocean plastics - for thousands in fishing-boating-tourism industry donated prizes!
2025 Tourney dates: January 11 at Apalachicola • January 18+19 at Cedar Key • May at Key West (Captains Invitational) • July at Boca Grande • and more being added regularly as donations and resources allow
*Click 'Register' for more detailed information by event

Ocean Aid 360's habitat restoration program, funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, is built on the belief that anglers and coastal residents know their local waters as well or better than anyone. The OA360 marine debris tournaments are an opportunity show what you know, to find and remove derelict crab traps, which catch and kill unchecked, and other forms of marine debris that negatively impact our fisheries. These events are a great opportunity to connect with other watermen and waterwomen, to improve marine habitat, and to compete (by foot, paddlecraft, or boat) for valuable prizes from fishing and boating industry sponsors.

OA360 events promote community awareness of marine debris challenges facing critical inshore fisheries, mobilizing thousands of recreational and commercial volunteers for the detection and retrieval of ghost traps, abandoned fishing gear, and other types of man-made solid waste. Contestants provide a species bycatch inventory, catalog non-trap debris, and learn prevention protocols.

OA360 marine debris tournaments are resourced by contributions from local residents, business owners, foundations, and government agencies, who together, share the commitment to marine environs. These resources afforded to OA360 are third party audited and afford essential volunteer supplies, printed materials, bycatch data collection kits; volunteer refreshments, prizes, staff hours, and debris disposal. Since October 2019, OA360 has removed over 425,000 pounds of marine debris - a truly meaningful step toward improved aquatic habitat - and ~40% of this debris was recycled.

I thank you for reading up on the Ocean Aid 360 marine debris removal tournaments, and we sure hope you’ll participate. Considering the threats to our coastal areas in Florida and the Bahamas, it’s clear our fisheries need us more than ever. Please don’t hesitate to contact our OA360 team with questions or ideas on our Ghost Trap Rodeos and Coastal Community Cleanups.


Capt. Neill Holland; President, Ocean Aid 360

Salt Creek Marine District; St. Pete, FL 33705; Telephone: 727-200-7781


Ocean Aid 360, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) IRS tax-exempt nonprofit organized to design, manage, and implement research-based environmental and ecological interventions, through public and private partnerships, to improve and secure the health of vulnerable marine, coastal, wetland, and inland waterway habitats toward their renewed and/or continued ability to support future generations of healthy flora and fauna, as well as marine-dependent communities.

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